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Daily InspHERation

Welcome to "the journey". When building a business from the ground up, running a home, and raising kids is very challenging, especially as a single woman. From time to time, we need encouraging and uplifting words, thoughts, and actionable guidance. Daily inspHERation is for visionary women in need of support and inspiration from other awesome women that have either been through the struggle, or are currently experiencing similar challenges. #womensupportingwomen

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- Harambee (All Pull Together) -

Women Supporting Women In Business
Image by Amanda Jones
Women Holding Hands
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Mindset = Perspective

The truth is that mindset has everything to do with perspective. Our foundational beliefs, attitudes and biases naturally affect the way we process information and experience the world around us. Having an optimistic mindset increases the likelihood of formulating a winning perspective and achieving long-term success.

Whether you are self employed, an entrepreneur, or someone trying to climb the ladder in your given field, you must always remain positive no matter what challenges you encounter. Even when facing hardships, setbacks, or self doubt about your skills and abilities, positive thinking and daily affirmations that you’ll succeed can be a powerful force in helping you overcome anything.


Having the right mindset is important for succeeding in business and in life. But how can you develop your own mindset and lead it in the right direction? As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned that there are some key things you have to keep doing in order to maintain a positive and growth mindset. Don’t limit your dreams or goals: Limited thinking leads to limited ideas, which stunt growth and performance.

Just as important as limitless thinking is being deliberate about your habits and actions. If you’re not deliberate about taking actions to achieve your goals or dreams, it’s as good as not having any goals or dreams at all. I’ve learned to set short-term and long-term goals that help me achieve those dreams. Each
milestone reached will take you one step closer.


By having limitless thinking and being deliberate about behaviors and habits, you can maintain your entrepreneurial spirit, develop a positive mindset and be open to growth and success in your business. Remember, do everything with the intention of love. When you align your personality with your purpose, you will be unstoppable, because purpose is DYNAMIC!

Seize the day!

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